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Why Ozone?

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What is ozone?

Ozone is one of the most powerful naturally occurring oxidizing (bleaching) and disinfecting agents known to mankind. It quickly dissolves in water, disinfects it, and then turns into harmless oxygen.


It occurs naturally in the environment – UV light (found in sunlight) causes an extra oxygen atom to temporarily (around 30 minutes at ground level) join to a normal oxygen molecule, creating ozone. It is also created by lightning during thunderstorms.


When high in the atmosphere, naturally occurring ozone helps to keep us safe from the sun’s harmful rays, but back down at ground level, this extra oxygen atom is keen to bond to anything else present.


This ‘oxygenation’ action, known as bleaching, has the power to kill any micro-organisms such as bacteria and viruses.


Why switch to ozone treatment

From 2015, the EU has introduced stringent controls on all substances (including ozone) classified as ‘biocidal’ agents. Hence the Biocidal Products Regulations ‘BPR’. Managed with controlled technique, ozone will destroy all pathogenic micro-organisms by oxidation. Within 30 minutes, ozone reverts back to breathable oxygen, so can be called a non-residual feed processing aid.

So, in terms of human food and animal feed production, ozone can be an approved input or processing aid, decontaminant and can therefore be used in the production of both organically or conventionally grown produce.

Understanding Ozone

Is ozone safe?

When controlled, ozone will not harm healthy cells. It will destroy, and inhibit the existence of, all known pathogens, including bacterial, viral, parasitic, fungal, moulds and protozoan life-forms.

How effective is ozone treatment?

Research, drawn from both Bristol and Naples Universities, offer hope to organic farmers who lose many livestock due to Campylobacter, Salmonella, Necrotic Enteritis, Cryptosporidium and Coccidiosis, all of which cost the industry vast amounts in affected productivity.


Results show ozone disinfection is highly effective, sustainable and without risk of the pathogens becoming resistant.

Salmonella costs €3B
and causes 2,000 deaths
each year in Europe alone
Salmonella Infographic

Can be made on site when needed

Low environmental impact and occurs naturally

Safe when used in a controlled environment

Replaces or reduces the need for chlorine based chemicals

Organic Acid
University of Bristol

Air and Water

Five years ago, a study at Bristol University was commissioned by our team to study the reduction of Campylobacter related food poisoning.  The study showed it was possible to control bacterial outbreaks, without the need for drugs (which tend to treat the symptoms not the cause of the affected nutrition).


Focusing on the purification of air, and water supplies, entering farming environments and for the consumption of farm animals, empirical research and technological development has not stopped since the company was formed in 2016. 


What are the agricultural applications?


O3 Biotech have been carrying out feed treatment tests since 2017.


Due to the increased levels of regulation (including banning) on existing treatments by EU/ UK regulators, huge levels of interest have been focused on using Ozone as an effective feed treatment. 


Tests have confirmed that controlled oxidation (i.e. killing pathogens) can potentially replace old methods on industrial scales whilst remaining cost effective.


Purifying animal feed with Ozone

O3 Biotech have developed a proprietary process to apply Ozone in-line with existing mill processes. Ozone is already proven as a purifier, used in everything from hospitals to drinking water.

Ozone Benefits
Purifying Animal Feed

Contaminants in animal feed are a threat to the global food chain and economy


How is ozone made?

Ozone can be made in a number of ways. Naturally, it occurs due to the action of UV light acting on oxygen high up in our atmosphere. This creates the ozone layer.


However, this method of production isn’t suitable for industrial use. Instead, the Corona Discharge method is used. A high voltage (around 7000 Volts or 7kV) are applied to a metal grid which sits above a second grid which is earthed. Air passes between the plates, and the oxygen it contains is broken down from molecular oxygen (O2) to elemental oxygen (O). It quickly recombines into ozone (O3).


It requires roughly 20KWh of electrical power to create an entire KG of ozone. 

Ozone Generation
Scientist researching with results


Your FAQs answered

  • How is ozone produced?
    Ozone is produced on site using an ozone generator. This contains two plates, one earthed and one connected to a high voltage. As air passes through the oxygen, it is converted to ozone.
  • How effective is ozone?
    Ozone, at suitably high concentration, kills all known pathogens including bacterial, viral, parasitic, fungal, molds and protozoan life-forms.
  • How safe is the process?
    Ozone breaks down into harmless oxygen within around 30 minutes, at which point it is safe to breath in. At low concentrations ozone is harmless to humans, poultry and other livestock.
  • What are the applications?
    Treating air, water and feedstock on site are the most common agricultural applications. However, ozone has many municipal uses such as purifying water for human consumption.
  • Is it expensive?
    As it is created on site from electricity and normal air, Ozone is very inexpensive. An entire KG of the gas will use under 20KWh to produce, costing less than comparable treatment with no chemicals or by product other than oxygen.

Quick answers to our most frequently asked questions.

Atoms Graphic
Atoms Graphic

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